• 대전광역시 유성구 대덕대로 582
  • 504호 (도룡동, 옥토빌딩)
  • 전화번호 042)825-6820 팩스 : 042)825-6839



* 제품상세보기

- <6L, 10L, 16L>
KYSTDESIGN offer a wide range of compensators for the subsea market. Our in-house designed compensators vary in volume from 0.25 litre to 16 litre. The 0.25 - 1.2 litre compensators all provide an interface which allows easy installation and stacking. These units, as well as the 2.5 and 6.3 litre, are made from POM. Anodized aluminium is used for the 10 and 16 litre units and the 2.5 litre high pressure compensator. Optional analogue volume sensor is available for the 1.2, 6.0, 10 and 16 litre units. Even without volume sensor, the oil level can be visually read at a slot in the spring housing of all Kystdesign compensators (except for the 2.5 litre H.P.). The 6.0-16 litre compensators have polycarbonate lids, enabling visual inspection of the fluid.

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